A bully is a person who purposely tries to hurt others by:
· Making them feel uncomfortable.
· Hurting them by kicking, hitting, pushing, tripping, [ Physical Abuse ]
· Name-calling & Teasing
· Spreading Hurtful rumors.Who do bullies pick on?
· Often, bullies are bigger kids, so they pick on:
· Kids that are smaller.
· Kids they think won't have the courage to stand up to them.
· Kids that have few friends to stand up for them.Why do bullies do what they do?
· Sometimes they think that they will win or get what they want.
· Sometimes they want to impress their friends.
· Sometimes they enjoy feeling power over someone because sometimes they are being bullied.
· Sometimes it is Not on purposeWhat to do if someone is bullying you:
· Tell someone you trust about it. If it is easier for you, write that person a note instead. (People you might want to tell are: parents, teachers, the principal, or older friends).
. Never keep being bullied a secret!
· Try not to let the bully see you are upset. (Bullies are looking for signs that you are upset and they may do it more).
· Avoid areas where the bully feels comfortable picking on you (for example, places where teachers cannot see you - such as corners of the playground, lonely corridors, and behind large furniture in the classroom.
· Try to surround yourself with friends and people who will stand up for you.What to do if you see someone who is being bullied:
· Get friends together and TALK to the bully. Let the bullies in your school know that bullying is not accepted at your school.
· Don't cheer the bully on or stand around to watch. (The bully might like the attention, and pick on the kid even more).
· If you see someone being bullied, find someone to help stop it. (Get another friend, a teacher, a playground safety, a principal).
· Be nice to, include, and get to know the people who are being bullied: You may find they are similar to you!!
· Try to make friends with the bully too- show them other ways to interact with others. (They don't need to bully others to be accepted or cool).
good nice work ...
good work
Goog Goood ,, Woow tht Was Alott !! ;p Haha ..
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