Thursday, March 19, 2009


Week 1 - Find Websites for bullying,
Week 2 - Make The Games
Week 3 - Continue Making the Games
Week 4 - Add Finishing Touches

Changes in our plan-
Week 1 - Find websites about bullying
Week 2 - Make the Games
Week 3 - Changed Project
Week 4 - finish power point nd add finishing touches

Evaluation ; )

4. Comment on how well you worked on the project.
It Was quiet hard at first because we change from 1 project through other projects. but overall I think I Did well.
5.What did you do well?
I Searched some programs to help us with our project
6. What could you improve upon?
The only thing we needed to improve on is be safe mith the time we have and use it well.
7.What would you do differently...and why?
I would've looked through my options of projects before I just decide one that you cant do or cant find information about.
8. Compare your predicted time plan with the actual project process and give reasons for changes. It was different because we spent too much time searching the game making websites and now we didnt even find any and didnt end up doing the game. but instead a presentation
9. Comment on any difficulties you had while doing this project and how you overcame them.
We couldnt find game making websites and we had to change our project
10.Mention feedback you received from your testers and summarise / analyse the results.
11. Explain the impact of your project. product on;
• Yourself, I learned alot a bout bullies and I myself by creating this will help others
• Others , they will know how to deal with bullies, and bullies themselves will notice how much they hurt someone.
• The environment/society We will be much safer and kids will cooperate much better in the playgrounds ; )