There Was Mac Book and Mac Book Pro but Now... Mac Book Air. It was released in January 2008. Its The Thinest Laptop In the World And Still has Better Qualities Than A Normal Laptop. It Has A Built In Camera and Multi-touch built in M0use. The MacBook Air can wirelessly access the optical drive of another Mac or Windows PC that has the Remote Disc program installed, allowing the installation of applications from a CD or DVD.An Apple press release calls the MacBook Air "the world’s thinnest notebook" and says it "measures an unprecedented 0.16 inches at its thinnest point, while its maximum height of 0.76 inches is less than the thinnest point on competing notebooks it Costs 1799$.For Now You Can Only Get It in Canada, Japan, U.S.A and Italy. It Could be Used In Humanities. We Could search Up maps and look up climates and tempratures. We Could Save Homework And Type Up Work Instead Of Taking A Long Time Writing It By Hand.