What is a Robot?
A Robot is An Autonomous Mechaninc thing. It Is Sometimes Used in Seriously Dangerous environments that humans Cant be In. It Doesnt need nurition, Food, Water. Its Doesnt need Sleep It can Work 24/7 365. It Would be a Better And higher quality than a human. And Always That good, its very consistant.
What makes a robot work?
Sensors ; A Device On the robot Which Detects And find information about whats around it's environment. Where to go, What Direction To Move in, left right front or back.
Actuators ; Thing That help the Robot move easily around the surface and carruy out The task The Robot Wants To Do.Processors ; Follows A program or Set of Rules On What To Do Or Decides It's Action. Program , its Set of rules.[A job to do]
Designing A Robot.
[Investigate ]
[ Design/Plan ] *[ A i m s / O b j e c t i v e s ] What Apparatus Are We Going to Use?
[Lego MindStorms]
Lego Peices Actuators [Wheels]
Book Of Instructions To Make the Robot
Electric Motors
What Is Lego Mindstorms?
Lego Mindstroms Is A Box Contained With The Peices To make A Robot And How To Make It In An Instuction Manual
How are We Going to Give Our Robots Instructions?
[ Create ]
[ Evaluation ] Reflection Of Thursday ;
- We Didnt Have Any Batteries -
- We Couldnt Program the Robot -
- Our box Of Peices Wasn't Complete -
The Advatages And Disadvantages
Robots have advantages and disadvantages. They make an activity safer and easier. Example; the operator just uses a computer to manufacture a thing through a robot and it helps people/humans to avoid dangerous situations. A robot performs different tasks faster than us humans. For example, a robot can be programmed to perform a task like packaging allowing its operator to program the speed of its performance. But a robot can't think by or for itself. You must send an order to be performed by it and the operator has to supervise its performance to make sure that the process is doing the right thing.Another disadvatage is robots cant see and hear as good as us. Robots dont nees salarys. They dont need to sleep. They dont have feelings. They can reproduce. [ Viruses, Robots to build robots, Robots repairs itself ].
Robot Rules
[Why Must We have Robot Rules]?
We Must Have robot Rules because if We Didnt Robots Would be out of Control Doing What They Want, When They Want!
[My Rules] ; 1.Never Hurt Mankind Unless Atempting to be Dangerous Or Endanger Others With A Weapon 2. Never Disobey The orders That your Operator Gave you No Matter What
[Issac Asimov's Laws] ;
LAW I: A robot may not harm a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being come to harm.
LAW II: A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
LAW III: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
What Robots Can Do ;
Robots Can Help Humans Not go into Dangerous Matters.Follow Its Operator's Rules and Not disobey them.